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FW: Thousand Son Upgrade Kits SPOTTED!

2 Minute Read
Nov 30 2015
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Forge World shows off the upcoming upgrade packs for the Thousand Sons – Check this out!

We’ve mentioned that out of the 18 Legions, 16 of them have upgrade packs. Curiously the Sons of Russ and the Sons of Magnus were missing the action. Well no more! The Thousand Sons will be marching into action:

via Forge World

Thousand Sons Upgrade Tease

The upgrade kit is clearly designed as an add-on for the Betrayal at Calth Mk IV Marine armor as seen here. Which also means it will fit with all the other versions of plastic Space Marines as well. Oh and don’t think the Wolves are going to be left out in the cold, either…

The warriors of Fenris might have to wait a little longer, but the sons of Magnus the Red are on their way!”

That’s right Space Wolves – you’re going to get in on the action, too! You’ll just have to be a bit more patient which is a trait Russ was well know for…right? And if you want to catch up on your Heresy History you can read all about Magnus, the Thousand Sons, and the Battle of Prospero on our sister site Lexicanum.



Here comes the Big Red Thousand Sons!

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Horus Heresy: Sevatar, Unboxing Jago