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Privateer Press: No Quarter #63 Preview

2 Minute Read
Dec 4 2015
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C1 NQ63 Cover D

Join us on a whirlwind tour of the latest No Quarter from Privateer Press!

Everyone likes sneak peeks, right? Well we got our hands on a copy of the latest No Quarter #63 from Privateer Press! Join me on a quick preview of the magazine for all things Warmachine and Hordes.


PP No Quarter 63 2

I don’t want to give everything away but this issue of No Quarter covers a ton of topics, new unit previews, wonderful background stories & a few surprises as well. Unleashed also got some RPG love with a fun new way to play (Gargantuans) and the Undercity also got a new one-shot adventure.

PP No quarter 63

If you’re into reading up on the Iron Kingdoms they have a ton of goodies for you. Cold Steel gets a part 5, Gavin Kyle takes a look at Doomshaper, and the Archives busts out the history of the Dragons of Caen. And Competitive players don’t think Privateer Press is skimping on you either – The Triple Threat focus is on Minions and there is another 75 point Battle Report between Trolls and Circle to analyze.


It’s another great No Quarter to pick-up so check it out!


No Quarter #63 – Don’t forget the Gobbers! #swamplivesmatter

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warmachine/Hordes: No Quarter 56