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D&D Online (The Video Game) Is Offering Free DLC To Homebound Players

4 Minute Read
Mar 24 2020

Makers of the popular (and only) D&D MMO, Dungeons & Dragons Online have made their DLC content available for free until April 30.

Released back in 2006, Dungeons and Dragons Online is a venerable and enduring player in the MMO space. While it isn’t as popular as the titan of the industry, World of Warcraft (and really who could be), it’s carved out a foothold in the space thanks to its license, the all-too-brief rise of 4th Edition, and it has endured for 14 years, surviving a transfer of developers, a shift in the industry, and many more challenges.

Like many MMOs these days, DDO is free to play, though players can pay for items like XP boosts or DLC content like special raids and dungeons. Though as of this past weekend, players can explore all parts of D&D Online, thanks to Standing Stone’s generous offer to players stuck at home. Developers Standing Stone, a company made up of many of the original DDO team from Turbine, have opened up the game’s content, offering all dungeons and raids, including those in expansion packs, for free to all players through April 30.

If you create an account and log in, you can also get in on the current gamewide XP boost, so you can hit that content well within its time. Not to mention the upcoming anniversary event. Here’s a look at the official announcement.

via Standing Stone


Here at Standing Stone Games our goal is to bring joy to everyone through our games and we feel that is more important than ever. We are making all our adventures and stories open to everyone through April 30. In addition we will be running extra events for the games.

For Dungeons and Dragons Online:

  • All dungeons and raids, including those in expansion packs, are open to everyone through April 30.
  • The Buddy Bonus 5% XP will be active from March 20 through March 29. This will be in addition to the weekend events.
  • Mimic event will be active starting March 26 through April 6.
  • The anniversary event will be active starting March 26 through April 30.

This opens up many expansion packs for public play right now, including dungeons out of DLC packs like the Menace of the Underdark and the Shadowfell Conspiracy. Here’s a breakdown of the expansion packs.


Menace of the Underdark

Journey deep into the storied Forgotten Realms and face Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb, in DDO’s expansion Menace of the Underdark™!

The King’s Forest
Explore deep into the King’s Forest and defend the village of Eveningstar from Lolth’s Drow legions!

The Underdark
Venture down into the Underdark and confront Lolth’s elite followers in the Drow city of Sschindlyryn!

The Demonweb
Journey to Lolth’s home plane in this Raid quest, battle demon hordes and confront the spider goddess herself as you attempt to stop her scheme!


The Shadowfell Conspiracy

An unnatural darkness looms over the prison city of Wheloon and shadows spread across the land. Uncover the sinister Shar plot that threatens to destroy Cormyr from within and face the full might of the Empire Of Netheril in Dungeons & Dragons Online™: Shadowfell Conspiracy!

Wheloon City
Take to the sprawling city streets and rooftops of Wheloon as you hunt down Netherese agents seeking to forge an army. A shadowy maze where even the Purple Dragon Knights will not tread, the public area and new dungeons of this prison city will put you to the test!

The Stormhorns
Journey to the breathtaking and treacherous Stormhorn Mountains where, beneath the natural beauty, hides a dark alliance that threatens all of Cormyr. Explore a massive, new wilderness area as you ascend the towering peaks and confront the agents of shadow!

Mists of Ravenloft

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Mists of Ravenloft expansion will immerse you in one of the most infamous D&D adventure settings. Save the people of Barovia, slay Strahd, and restore balance to the land. The stakes have never been higher! Experience 12 new Dungeon Quests, New Raid, New Wilderness Area, 2 new Public Areas, New Saga and more!

Masterminds of Sharn


Dungeons & Dragons Online: Masterminds of Sharn expansion will take you to the heart of Eberron. Explore the City of Towers, uncover nefarious plots, discover what lies beneath! Experience 9 new Dungeon Quests, New Raids, New Wilderness Area with mini-dungeons, New Public Areas, New Saga, and more!

Play Free Today

Happy Adventuring!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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