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Epic 30k Cosplay Showcased in Live-Action Fan Film

4 Minute Read
Jun 14 2021

The lore has its claws deep inside this creative team as they embark on a mission to tell an epic story from the Warhammer 30k Cosplay Universe.

As the world of cosplay grows and thrives, creatives are expanding beyond simple images to bring their cosplays to life. More and more, cosplayers are partnering with video teams to create dynamic fan films that capture the depth and range of their projects. In the world of Warhammer, the epic success of the Astartes project has led to an actual partnership with Games Workshop. Dreams become real in the world of Cosplay.

This summer, a new Warhammer story is born- the Fratres Live-Action 30k fan film, created by Svjan-Tristan Köppe. This cosplayer has worked on his builds over time and is taking the next step to elevating his amazing work for the community to enjoy. Behold the premise:

“A galaxy at war. Once loyal subjects turned against their own. Comrade against comrade, brother against brother. As the fire’s of war grow higher so the shadows grow ever darker. And with the shadows come the nightmares.” 


Fratres Fan Film

Svjan-Tristan Köppe, Fratres Director – Instagram / Official Website

“I like building things. That is as good a place to start this story as any.


I like to build things, armor, cosplay and so much more. I have always liked building things with a burning passion and unlimited joy. So, when I stumbled over the not so small Universe of Warhammer 30k and 40k, I simply knew I had to build a cosplay from it.”

“Things had reached a point in my cosplay career where I felt up to the task and a few months later I had finished my first, but not last, Space Marine armor. The feedback and reactions to this one cosplay was simply overwhelming, a feeling that always fills me with joy and satisfaction.” 


“Under the months I had built the Marine cosplay and the Primarch Roboute Gulliman I also started listening to the Warhammer lore. I started at the beginning with the Horus Heresy, books I might add I am not even close to finish. The lore of the Warhammer world simply took my breath away.”

“When a friend of mine then asked me if I ever had considered to make a fan film or movie starring these cosplays, my gears started turning. It was this, in combination with the feedback on my previous cosplays that finally made me realize that my work might serve more purpose than the joy I get from building. Well, it seems like it is about time to make that happen.”

“The decision to make a Warhammer 30k fan film was an easy task. The lore has its claws deep inside me and I simply knew that I wanted to bring some of my own stories to life that would play part in this universe.



It is of course all fan fiction, but I feel like the community is happy for all the Warhammer content they can get their hands on. This is of course also a big reason why I am doing this fan film. I want people to get an awesome live-action Warhammer 30k fan film. And I feel like that is something me and my crew of fantastic “nerds” can provide. With that said, be ready for a film that gives you all you would want to see when it comes to a live-action Warhammer fan film. It will be dark, there will be death, there will be Space Marines and most importantly there will be unending war.

I am Svjan-Tristan Köppe and I bid you welcome to FRATRES!”

Svjan Köppe

Stay tuned for more from the Fratres Fan Film, which debuts this fall!




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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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