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Blood & Plunder: Unboxing a Pile of Treasure

4 Minute Read
Dec 18 2021
Unboxing Tons of Blood & Plunder Minis

Arrr… What be better than a stack full of gifts for Christmas? How about a pile full of treasures and a case to hold it in?

A while back, I ordered an absolute ton of Blood & Plunder miniatures from the folks at Firelock Games. On top of that, Feldherr was good enough to send me their MAXI PLUS miniatures case to house them all in. I was very surprised to see how well this case held my miniatures for Blood & Plunder.

Now, I already reviewed this case in a written post on Bell of Lost Souls in my post called The Miniatures Case Good Enough for the Girls of ‘South Park’. Today, I focus more on unboxing a pile of Blood & Plunder minis and showing you how they all fit in a Feldherr case. I also give you the review in the form of a video rather than as a written post.

With regards to this project, I changed up my Blood & Plunder collection a bit. Recently, I donated away some of my previous collection of Blood & Plunder figures to a friend. In their place, I bought this pile of miniatures. This is all in the video, but let me show you some pictures of this treasure trove that I bought myself.

I went a little crazy, donated away some of my old miniatures and bought myself a ton of Blood & Plunder sets. Believe it or not, most of the figures (and those two ships) all fit in that Feldherr carrying case.

Opening the Blisters

When I was done, there were a lot of blisters and packs to deal with.

Filling a Feldherr case with Blood & Plunder Miniatures – Unboxing and Review

The point of this post is to showcase the video below. In it, I unbox all of the miniatures pictured above and pack them away in the case. It gives you a bit of a combined review of the Feldherr MAXI PLUS miniatures case and also shows you over 100 miniatures as I unpack them and give them all a new home in this case. If you run into any problems with the video below, this link will take you to the same thing on YouTube.

My Donated Miniatures

As I mentioned earlier, I had a few miniatures that I decided to give a new home to. I gave these ones to my friend Dave. He is a painter who does commission work and who has a lot of painted showcases on Must Contain Minis.

French Blood & Plunder Minis

This is the small set of figures that I gave away to my friend Dave. This was my French Starter Set for the game. It adds to the forces that he has. Some day, after all the fears surrounding COVID are gone, I will play games with him again.

It will be interesting to see what he does with those miniatures. I find Dave to be a great painter and he always surprises me with how fast he can paint up figures. In fact, one of my recent posts is of some Blood & Plunder miniatures that he painted.

Wrapping it up…

Thank you for joining me in this quick unboxing article. I really do hope that you spend some time and watch that video above. In it, you get to see what is in a lot of Blood & Plunder starter sets right out of the box. If you are still looking for Christmas presents for yourself, looking at Feldherr and Firelock Games are both great ideas. I am a fan of both companies. Before finishing up, let me tell you more about my site…


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Must Contain Minis is my reviews, showcases, and battle reports website where I look at a wide variety of miniatures games and miniatures related products. I like to focus mainly on Indie and Historical Games. If you haven’t visited for a while, come on over and check the site out! You can also follow me on Social Media. I am very active on Facebook and have a YouTube channel too. I upload my best pictures to Instagram and am also on Twitter. Thanks again for reading!!!

Jacob Stauttener