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Chaos Reigns Through This Space Marine Cosplayer

5 Minute Read
Feb 8 2023
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We’re hopping across the pond, into Chaos Space Marine cosplay. We’re interviewing an amazing craftsman with a fondness for anti-heroes and chaos.

Exeter Cosplay is a European cosplayer with a penchant for chaos. His constantly evolving style has been honed into a lethal weapon of creativity. His unique method of combining fandoms has some unexpected results, especially with his Chaos Space Marine cosplay! Through a whole host of anti-heroes and chaotic characters, Exeter Cosplay is second to none. We’ve sat down and picked his brain about what fuels the fires of chaos.

Chaos Space Marine Cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay, Image by Laughing Orc Photography
Chaos Space Marine Cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay, Image by Laughing Orc Photography

How did you get your start in cosplay?

About 4 years ago my good friend Mike Ind asked me to go along to a comic con with his brothers. The three of them were DC’s Batman, Joker and Bane, so I went home and built Marvel’s Warmachine. It was my first “cosplay” costume and armor build and took a couple of months and lots of experimentation. It went down really well at the event, my photo was taken by hundreds of people despite being nothing like the movie version!

What is your strongest construction aspect?

I’m well known for my armor builds, practical approach, and speed when completing projects for shows. I would also say a project is never finished; they age and are worn to the point of destruction. All of my costumes have been repaired and rebuilt, and constantly evolve.  Everything I make gives the impression of being solid and heavy despite being soft light foam.

Chaos Space Marine Cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay, Image by Digi-Steve
Chaos Space Marine Cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay, Image by Digi-Steve

What is your favorite type of cosplay work to do?

I tend to mostly make the characters I see as anti-heroes; Chaos Space Marines, Darth Vader crossed with a Space Marine, Winslow from The Walking Dead, Stitch (from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch!) Cypher the Fallen Angel is my only non-scale Space Marine. Standing at just under six feet, he is incredibly controversial in the 40K world.

All of these characters are well-liked, but I can be in character and misbehave in the nicest possible way, scaring people and stomping around like a monster. It’s that side of it that is really enjoyable!


What are your favorite completed projects?

Everyone at UK conventions knows and loves my Khorne Berzerker. He is known as “Big Red” to many, a nine-foot tall World Eater Legion Space Marine. I carry a seven-foot-long chain-axe/war-hammer based on the infamous “Gore Father” from W40K lore.

He is by far the most comfortable and well-worn of my costume armor, and even gets out to the odd party dance floor for a boogie!

Chaos Space Marine Cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay
Chaos Space Marine Cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay

What craft material is your favorite to work with?

EVA foam and hot glue are by far the most accessible and versatile materials for making costumes and props. They are cheap and easy to get hold of, and anyone can use the stuff. When people ask for tips, it’s the place to start.

What are your favorite fandoms? Favorite characters?

Warhammer 40K of course! I love the lore and various Chaos champions;I have the sign of Chaos undivided tattooed across my back. The armies of Khorne are my favorite for their sheer brutality and strength in battle.


Star Wars, specifically Darth Vader is my hero. My house is a huge shrine to the Sith Lord. I recently had him tattooed as the start of a sleeve. There are a lot of similarities that can be drawn between the Star Wars and Warhammer universes.

What kind of games do you play?

I play Dungeons and Dragons weekly with my friends from Realm Pictures. We have been questing for a couple of years with the same characters now! (I’m a level 8 Paladin). I have my PS4 and play Destiny, The Witcher, and Horizon Zero Dawn. I also play tabletop games such as Zombicide and Bears Vs Babies. My Warhammer 40K armies are all safely in glass cabinets now and rarely get fielded.

Darth Vader Space Marine Cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay
Darth Vader Space Marine Cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay

What conventions and events do you attend?

I go to all the main UK conventions hosted by MCM and Showmasters, as well as loads of smaller local events. My favorite charity event, “Feel the Force” in Peterborough is where I usually show off my giant Darth Vader Space Marine crossover.

I was lucky enough to attend the release of the Eternal Crusade game in my Chaos Space Marine costume at Bandai Namco Headquarters in London, which was an amazing experience. Back in 2016, I was also invited on the Jonathon Ross Radio 2 show to talk about cosplay and obviously wore the suit!

I regularly guest and judge the cosplay masquerades at comic con and gaming events. Usually, I am handed a microphone to chat with the crowds about their costumes and my own. My panel talks have included talking about big build costumes, and I have presented my work on several viral YouTube interactive games/movies made with Realm Pictures.


What are your favorite movies/shows to watch while you craft?

Fairy Tale the anime, as it’s easy background watching! Of course, audiobooks from the Black Library, and all of the Stories from the Grim Dark future of the Warhammer 40K universe are inspiring.

Nightlord cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay, image courtesy of Lewis Wilson
Nightlord cosplay with permission by Exeter Cosplay, image courtesy of Lewis Wilson

What message do you have for people wanting to break into cosplay? What have you learned in your time working in cosplay?

Crack on and build your favorite characters, nothing is impossible with time and effort. Anyone can do it! You don’t need all the training and tools to start with, although they help. They can’t drive your imagination to create.

Some of the most important lessons have been to trust your friends and don’t be afraid to ask for their help. Throughout the process, make sure to pick up new friends along the way with the same love for costumes and events!

Space Marine cosplay with permission by Exeter cosplay
Chaos Space Marine cosplay with permission by Exeter cosplay

What are your social media/website links? Where can we find your Chaos Space Marine cosplay?

Facebook:David Roth – Exeter cosplay

Instagram: exetercosplay

Youtube: RealmPictures

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

Have a Cosplay question you would like Mayhem’s Muse to answer?

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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