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Rule Naboo With This Queen Amidala Senate Gown Cosplay

3 Minute Read
Sep 7 2023
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The queen of Star Wars cosplays reign supreme again in this stunning recreation of this Queen Amidala Senate gown cosplay.

Many cosplayers focus on a certain genre or fandom for their costume projects. Few do so with such spectacular effect as JediManda who has been long touted as one of the top-tier cosplayers to specialize in Star Wars. Her creations are dynamic, expertly crafted, and incredibly realistic in execution. This week, we are showcasing her love for Queen Padme Amidala!



JediManda has been in love with the Star Wars galaxy for a long time, which led to her first cosplay project that fueled a lifetime of creative pursuits. Her work has evolved over time as artists’ work often does, culminating in this gorgeous recreation of Queen Amidala Senate Gown Cosplay.





JediManda Social Media


“Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever. I ask you to help us… no, I beg you to help us.”




“I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!”



“So this is how liberty dies – to a thunderous applause.”




“I haven’t worked for a year to defeat the ‘Military Creation Act’ not to be here when its fate is decided.”




“This war represents a failure to listen.”


“I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.”


“What if the democracy we thought we were serving  no longer exists?”



“…I call it aggressive negotiations.”

JediManda Social Media



~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
  • Star Wars: Cottagecore Darth Vader Cosplay Gets Cozy