Mayhem’s Best Cosplayers of 2017

The Mayhem’s Muse List of 2017’s Best Cosplayers
The Years’ Finest
2017 was a year packed to the brim with amazing cosplayers, crafters, prop builders, and models. My Social Media pages have been blowing up all year, and I’m pretty certain I’ve used the Heart emoji so many times they’re considering naming the thing after me. That said, I’ve collected a list of some of my very favorite Cosplayers for you to swoon over. Some stand out for superior construction, some for their amazing heart for community, and some for the sheer force of potential they displayed. All have executed some marvelous projects, and we at Bell of Lost Souls salute them!

One of this year’s first Cosplay Spotlights, Zonbi stands apart as a Jack-Of-All-Trades. Excellent construction, fantastic posing and modeling, and above all an active participant in both the local Cosplay scene and the community as a whole. With her work as a Police Officer for Austin PD, Zonbi regularly takes time to go visit children’s hospitals in full Cosplay, rappelling from the roof and bringing smiles to everyone she sees. Zonbi is a wealth of creative knowledge and construction techniques, with regular video tutorials on her YouTube channel that are an inspiration to behold. Her work was featured on Cosplay Melee this season as well!
Okkido Cosplay
This fantastic cosplayer from Hungary first caught our eye with her Sister Repentia and Katana Cosplays. She took the crown at C2E2 for her Inquisitor, and is constantly traveling and working in stunning new projects. Her Cosplays show imagination and s fantastic eye for detail and texture, and the photos that she posts are STUNNING.
Marita Tathariel
While known for her flowing red locks, love of cats, and penchant for the whimsical historical and fantastical garb popular in the renaissance festival circuit, this Cosplayers makeup and transformative abilities are unparalleled. She won awards and stole my heart with her Prince Nuada Cosplay, and I had to do several double takes to realize it was not a movie still I was looking at, but this whinsome waif! She does gorgeous makeup work, and the imagery of her in her forest home is a must-see.
Hyperion Armory
These gentlemen get the Up-And-Comer award from me. Though this is their first time hitting the Cosplay scene, and their very first cosplay construction attempt, their project shows a sense of determination that is awe inspiring. Their 2nd Place prize from Blizzcon 2017 was well deserved, and we look forward to seeing what they come up with next!
Lightning Cosplay
Holy Cinematography, Batman!!! This cosplayer not only has exceptional construction abilities, but her photo shoots are next level quality. She seamlessly creates the world that Her cosplay characters come from, with exceptional eye for location that is unparalleled. Her projects look like movie stills, they are so seamless. Every cosplay she creates is a joy to behold, filled with wonder. Her Horizon Zero Dawn Cosplay is another gorgeous piece of work!
Eric “The Smoke” Moran
This gentleman was a fantastic find. Pro-Wrestler, US Marine, and Heroes of Cosplay host, This Cosplayer covers all the bases. I was particularly taken by his Spawn Cosplay, and look forward to a full interview with him here next season. He also has a pretty sick Chaos Space Marine Cosplay.
Narga & Aoki Cosplay
This phenomenal Cosplay duo should be very familiar to BoLS fans. Their stunning Howling Banshee recreation has been making waves in the 40k community for a long time, and its through that project that we found the vast catalogue of their work. They execute fantastic couples Cosplays as well as doing their own separate projects, and their resulting imagery is both evocative and stunning.
Cin’ Von Quinzel
This Cosplayer actually lept off the page and demanded my attention. While I have seen a few Thor:Ragnarok Cosplays floating around, this one by far embodies the sense of power, grace, and pure sass that Cate Blanchett radiated in that role. Cons Cosplays have gorgeous color, and while simple in details, she NAILS the mood and poses of the characters she portrays. Her images are full of life, and her charisma radiates through her works.
Volpin Props
One of the first and foremost prop makers in the USA. Notorious for his Daft Punk Helmets, he has since grown into a full service prop design, electronics, casting, no any other aspect of construction you can think of. He is also well renowned for taking the time to answer untold amounts of questions on his method and work, and enjoys helping newer crafters learn technique.
This cosplayer I found through Instagram, and spent the next hour or so absorbing every detail of her myriad projects. Exquisite detail, whimsical construction, and a fantastical bent that is a joy to see. I absolutely adore her work, and the amount of tiny detail work she puts into each piece makes her truly extraordinary. She has a penchant for High Fantasy Which I adore, and makes each cosplay an incredible work of art.
Welcome 2018
This list of Cosplayers packs some major punch. I am excited to be interviewing many of these fine folks next season, and I look forward to your suggestions as well! Who would you like to see covered here? What Cosplayers are you interested in? What kinds of builds would you like to see? Shoot me some comments below, do we’ll see you in the new year!!!
~Join us next week for more Cosplay! Coverage~
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