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This Sister Repentia Cosplay by Sallozare is Here to Purge Heretics

5 Minute Read
Dec 7 2022
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You’ll want to repent your sins or suffer the wrath of this most penitent of Sister Repentia cosplays.

This week’s cosplay throwback is to an exceptional cosplayer. Her love of galactic empires bridges Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, and beyond. Through a love of construction techniques and insanely vivid photographic collabs, Sallozare’s Sister Repentia cosplay is something fierce to behold! We’ve sat down to pick her brain about everything cosplay, inspiration, and fandom. We hope you enjoy this cosplayer feature!

Aayka Sacura from Star Wars image by Aku
Aayka Sacura from Star Wars image by Aku

How did you get your start in cosplay? How long have you been creating your projects? What inspires you to work in the cosplay realm?

I was always a dreamy girl, The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings were my very first fantasy books. When I arrived to Oni-no-Yoru convention with my sister and me, saw all these wonderful people in costumes with wings, millions of sparkles, elven ears everywhere, demon horns… It was a complete panopticon. It was the coolest event for me at that moment, and I met a lot of new friends. One of them is still with me, the best friend and best cosplay partner ever!

Alderaan Leia cosplay with permission by Sallozare cosplay. Image by Denis Mourin
Alderaan Leia cosplay with permission by Sallozare cosplay. Image by Denis Mourin

What do you do with your time outside of cosplay? Any special skills or experiences?

My university specialization is in document management and support, and the second one is translation studies. Now I work as a full-time costume maker and seamstress, but I am self-taught in this 🙂

Raging Heroes cosplay with permission by Sallozare. Image by Haji
Raging Heroes cosplay with permission by Sallozare. Image by Haji

What are your favorite completed projects, or your most popular ones?


My most popular project is my Star Wars Twi’lek cosplay 🙂 These photos are literally everywhere on the Internet.

Twilek Slave from Star Wars cosplay with permission by Sallozare. Image by Timofey Khangin
Twilek Slave from Star Wars cosplay with permission by Sallozare. Image by Timofey Khangin

What are your favorite fandoms? Favorite characters?

The Lord of the Rings universe (Arwen <3), Star Wars universe (I love Shaak Ti so much!), Star Trek universe (Spock), Warhammer (Sisters of the Battle and Repentia Sisters are just awesome and also Lelith Hesperax is my huge love!) and Raging Heroes characters (Ivanka and Rosario Vasquez are beautiful) are very cool and strong too.

Black Cat from Marvel cosplay with permission by Sallozare. Image by Denis Murin


What kind of games do you play? Videogames? Tabletop? Wargames?

I usually do not play PS or PC games, but I really love to read all these stories in text. I really love board games like Mansions of Madness. Honestly, I am not a Warhammer player, but a lot of my close friends are and they told me a lot about it. Now I read very often some Warhammer stories and texts.

Maya from Borderlands cosplay with permission by Sallozare. Image by Nikolay Zharov

What conventions do you attend? Have you guested/spoken on panels/competed in contests?

I speak french very well, so I am a frequent guest in this country. Every summer, I visit Starcon in Russia, Saint Petersbourg, and ComicCon Russia in Moscow. Starcon is my favorite convention. I have attended ComicCon Paris and JapanExpo, and also I have been one of the jury members french convention OtaqEst.

Warhammer 40k image by Kira Mitenkova

Who are your cosplay inspirations? Whose work do you admire or aspire to?

Maul Cosplay, My Reality, Morgan Durfee, Creature of Habbits, Fairytas, and some others.

Raging Heroes Daughter of the Crucible image by Haji

What are your favorite movies/shows to watch or music to listen to while you craft your cosplays?

The Lord of the Rings is just my favorite movie and Harry Potter is just my favorite movie for crafting and sewing but usually, I watch TV series while I work. And what about music it is IAMX, Little Big (Russian punk-rave band), The Hatters (street Russian gypsy hardcore), Muse, Kaleo, Sevdaliza, and Tricky.

Sith Leia from Star Wars cosplay with permission by Sallozare. Image by Denis Murin

What message do you have for people wanting to break into cosplay? What have you learned in your time working in Cosplay? 

Just try to do your best! More practice – better result 🙂 Patience and perseverance – this is our motto.

Kythra from heroes 5 cosplay with permission by Sallozare

What are your social media/website links? Where can we find you?


Sister Repentia cosplay with permission by Sallozare

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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