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Be the One With This ‘Matrix’ Neo Closet Cosplay

4 Minute Read
Jan 18 2023

Get out your trench coats and combat boots, it’s time for a love letter to techno-grunge with this Neo closet cosplay!

The Matrix was one of the most exciting movie releases of the magical year for cinema, 1999. It brought back into fashion the grungy techno-goth vibes of yester-year, evoking strong ties to Blade Runner and other cyberpunk franchises. Neo continues to be a popular cosplay, so we’ve put together this list to help you source ideas!

The Matrix brought vinyl and trench coats into fashion, as well as catchy nicknames and a love of L337 speak. (see, I’m cool, I know the lingo! 👀). Though the various sequels went further and further toward jumping the shark. Today we’re paying homage to the original, the classic, The Matrix.

Neo Closet Cosplay: The Trench Coat

Neo’s trench coat is the most iconic part of the costume. Put that together with the shades and some slicked-back hair and you have everything you need to brood your way across any social event. We’ve found a couple groovy options online if you don’t already have one of your own… but if you don’t, we have to revoke your grunge card IMMEDIATELY.

If you live in the rainier climes like Seattle, a hooded trench in your closet is a must-have. This can be used for so many different purposes and cosplays, so grab one and go nuts!

Neo Closet Cosplay: The Boots

Combat boots are another Hallmark of the grunge era. I’m personally a fan of the look and feel of the Paratrooper style of boot, as shown here. Any combat boot style will do and can be used for so many characters and cosplays that it’s not even worth counting. Plus, you’re ready for hiking, music festivals, or a night out on the town!


Neo Closet Cosplay: The T-Shirt

It’s a black t-shirt, oooooooh. Aaaaaaah. It’s doubtful you don’t already have one or two in your closet already, but if you don’t- we gotcha covered.

Neo Closet Cosplay: The Pants

For Neo’s pants, you can go with tactical pants, cargo pants, or simple black jeans. If you do it right, they’ll be looking at the trench coat anyways, so go with something simple and comfortable!


Neo Closet Cosplay: The Shades

Last but certainly not least, we have the shades. The iconic swooped shape suits Keanu Reeve’s face shape, but wear whatever sunglasses you already have in your wardrobe. (I’m now imagining a Neo cosplay with bright red heart sunglasses, and I’m getting a chuckle. Someone do this and send me a picture!) Complete your Neo takeover of the Matrix with these sunglasses, and you’re all set to hack the planet!

Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy more vinyl body suits, so every click counts! Thanks in advance for supporting our techno-goth fashion addiction.

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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