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Star Wars: Destiny New “Way of the Force” Set Announced

5 Minute Read
Mar 14 2018
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The next set of Booster Packs is coming to Star Wars: Destiny! It’s the Way of the Force.

Get ready to face off against a new batch of Heroes and Villains in Star Wars: Destiny as the Way of the Force is coming in 2018. Fantasy Flight Games has a preview of the cards and we’re going to go over them – so let’s dive right in:

via Fantasy Flight Games

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Way of the Force, a new set of booster packs for Star Wars™: Destiny, now available for pre-order from your local retailer or online through our website!

Featuring 160 brand-new cards, Way of the Force revisits many of the saga’s most iconic characters in fresh new ways, focusing on their unique equipment, abilities, and tactics. The set includes the most expensive support yet to enter the game, a new way to bring back a defeated character, and a rare battlefield that comes complete with its own die. Furthermore, look for mechanics introduced in the newest base set, Legacies, to be expanded upon, such as the plot cards that can completely change how you play the game.


The Red Cards


General Grievous is making his way to the tabletop and he’s all about the damage. If you can manage to load him up with enough weapon die, then he can generate 4 damage as a Power Action!


We can’t have the General without a good transport, can we? The Bike Wheel adds a fair bit of damage to your options. Plus, if you have General Grievous in your deck, you can ready this just by “spotting” him.



Furious Assault lets you add your weapon dice back into your pool. On a character like Grievous that could mean a devastating combo.

The Yellow Cards

Bo-Katan Kryze is a new yellow hero card that can grant Hero Decks access to Yellow Villain cards. That can open up some interesting combos down the road. But let’s not skip out on what she’s bringing to the table. If you DO manage to get one of those Villain upgrades, she can do some bonus damage to targets. She’s already packing some decent damage AND she can generate armor and a resource. Not too shabby.


Underhanded Tactics is one of those Villain cards that you’ll get access to. As we saw with in the Qualifiers, indirect damage abilties can be used to great impact in your games.



Formidable is pretty interesting as well. You’ve got a good shot to deal damage to your opponent’s characters. And if the special comes through then you ALSO get to move around their weapons/equipment.

The Blue Cards

Luke is back (reluctantly). At first glance he doesn’t appear to do ANY damage. However, that’s just what he wants you to think. He can resolve shield sides as melee damage instead. And, as a power action he can move a Blue ability from himself to another Blue character. That can help ensure you’ve got a lot of cards in play for the late game.



Speaking of ensuring a strong late game, Built to Last grants your unique upgrades the Redeploy keyword. That’s fantastic for your items staying in play way long than they have any right to be.


Luke Skywalker’s Lightning Rod (ha!) actually works really well for all the different versions of Luke. It pairs especially well The Reluctant Instructor version as you can really load up on the shields and/or Melee damage as needed.

There are 160 cards in the set so lots more are on the way – we’ll be keeping an eye out for more previews of this set in the future!

Way of the Force Booster Pack $2.99 (per Booster)

The Force is a mystery to many in the Star Wars™ galaxy. Empire’s have risen and fallen throughout the galaxy, yet the Force has remained a constant. Whether it’s the allure of the Dark Side or the path of the Light, the Force permeates every living thing. The most iconic Star Wars characters are guided by the Force, whether they believe in it or not, and the biggest battles and wars in the galaxy come down to a fight between the light and the dark.


Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present Way of the Force, a new set of booster packs for Star Wars™: Destiny.

Featuring 160 new cards, Way of the Force revisits many of the saga’s most iconic characters in fresh new ways, focusing on their unique equipment, abilities, and tactics. Furthermore, look for mechanics introduced in the newest base set, Legacies, to be expanded on like Plot cards that will completely change how you play the game.


Way of the Force is due out in Q3 of 2018!

Author: Adam Harrison
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