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‘Star Wars’: Cosplayer Serves Looks as Boba the Boun-Tea Hunter

3 Minute Read
Oct 18 2021
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We’re taking Cosplay mash-ups to the next level with this week’s savory take on Boba Fett.

Cosplay mash-ups are always exciting to see. They give creators the opportunity to combine multiple characters, themes, and genres together. Never has this been more true and hilarious than this week’s mash-up of two wonderful themes: Star Wars and the tasty snack known as Boba Tea.


For this week’s cosplay feature, we’re checking out a TASTY cosplay cross-over: Boba the Boun-Tea Hunter! It’s a genius play on words, taking the classic outline of Boba Fett and crossing him with the tasty Boba Tea drink. Cosplayer Maweezy comes complete with a Boba Blaster, a toolbelt full of boba, and armor decked in a protective boba layer. It’s cute, it’s sassy, and we hope you enjoy it!

Maweezy Cosplay

“Tea’s no good to me dead.”



“Put the tea in the cargo hold.”


“What if tea doesn’t survive? Tea’s worth a lot to me.”



“I take it you have no love of the Boba.”


“I have the boba tea. We must leave quickly, friend.”



“Settle down! All they do is drink.”


“Dad! I think we’re being tracked… Look at the boba tea! Isn’t that a cloaking shadow?”

“You are foolish to waste your boba tea on this dumb creature. No lower life form is worth going hungry for.”


Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage!

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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