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T’au, Necron Leaks, Forgebane ,Warmachine & More!

3 Minute Read
Mar 12 2018
Warhammer 40K Hot story icon

The 40K rumormill is running on overtime! There’s all kinds of new goodies from GW, Privateer, and more. Get in here!

40K: T’au Rules Conundrums

We’ve got a copy of Codex: T’au early and we’ve got a few questions about how some of the rules work.

Star Trek Ascendancy: Borg Expansion & Ships

We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. And we have invaded your Tabletop with our new expansion!

40K BREAKING: Necron Dynasty Rules Spotted

The first Codex Necron Leaks/rumors are here – and they are SPICY!

PP: Satyxis Raiders and Slaughter Fleets

Satyxis Raiders join the crew this week–prepping for the arrival of their Admiral.

40K RUMORS: Codex Necrons Rules

More info on the Next Necron Codex is spilling online and we’ve got the lowdown on the Dynamic Dynasties!

Pathfinder: Corrupt Courts? Send Scions, Songbirds, and Saboteurs

The War of the Crown continues, this time the heroes help a Princess in need.

40K: T’au Unit Deep Dive

We’ve got the book in hand and we’re going over all the units that are listed in the new Codex: T’au Empire!


Wyrd: Kassa Okoye – A Commander for Two Empires

This Abyssinian engineer has a special relationship the King’s Empire.

GW: New Pre-orders March 10 “Prices & Links”

The T’au Codex is up from Pre-Orders this weekend from GW!

40K: Necrons Next – Forgebane and Dynasties

Next up from GW–Necrons and Robots and Necrons.

~ You’re all caught up – Welcome to T’au & Necron Week!


Author: Larry Vela
  • 40K: Dragon's Lair March Tournament Games

    Warhammer 40K