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Editor’s Choice: Mayhem’s Picks for Favorite Cosplays of the Year

8 Minute Read
Dec 28 2022

Mayhem’s Muse has been writing articles all year long, and it’s finally time for her to voice her favorites in the editor’s choice cosplays.

2022 has been a hell of a year for cosplay. With people getting back out into the world, conventions happening, and cosplayers leveling up their skills from all that time at home… The cosplays have become EPIC this year. We moved to cover cosplay 4x a week here at BoLS because you all love it so much º and that gives us a LOT of content to pull from! Today it’s all about the editor’s choice – we’re showing you Mayhem’s picks for favorite cosplays of the year!

This year has run the gamut of cosplay genres. From screen-accurate depictions to high fantasy recreations. From cheeky original characters to cosplay tutorials… There’s a bit of everything here on the BoLS cosplay feature list. To honor our favorite projects, we’ve compiled this top-five list of the most memorable, sensational, and hilarious cosplay articles. Check it out and let us know – what was YOUR favorite BoLS cosplay feature of the year?

5. K/DA’s Evelynn Plays With Our Minds In These Villainous Cosplays

K/DA Evelynn Cosplay by HaneAme

There’s no denying it- I’ve been obsessed with K/DA all year long. I’ve covered every character from the group, and a myriad of cosplayers’ renditions. We’ve also started doing closet cosplay lists of the ladies from K/DA, so keep an eye out for more of those. My top 5 list wouldn’t be complete without these amazing cosplays, and I picked my personal favorite character, Evelynn, for the fifth spot. She’s sassy and classy with a TON of sharp edges, and the cosplayers who have created cosplays for Evelynn are INSANELY villainous. I can’t get enough of these Evelynn cosplays!

You’ll hear her voice up in your head when you see these League of Legends K/DA Evelynn cosplays.

The world was taken by storm when League of Legends developer/publisher Riot Games stepped into the music industry. Over the past several years, the company has quickly built a music empire evolving from their iconic League of Legends characters, creating collaborations across multiple genres in the music industry.

This week we’re continuing our celebration of the most iconic pop/stars to come from their k-pop supergroup. She’s a straight-up Villain, and we’re alive for these K/DA Evelynn cosplays.


K/DA Evelynn Cosplay by Lyumos

4. These Namor Cosplays are Coming for the Surface World

Namor Cosplay with permission by Dex Does Cosplay. Armor by @markversecosplay

The number four spot on my list pulls at my heartstrings. I just spend a week in Mexico, touring the Yucatan region where the Mayan culture was centered. I had the Black Panther: Wakanda Forever soundtrack on repeat and was so thrilled to have the opportunity to walk these beautiful lands. The cosplayers on this list take deep-rooted inspiration from their cultural backgrounds for their Namor cosplays. Like them, I am so excited to see more indigenous voices in cinema and in cosplay. The number four spot on this year’s Editor’s Choice list goes solidly to Namor, the Agua Papi. Imperius Rex!


The Sub-Mariner arrives to defend Talokan in the Black Panther Sequel- we’re celebrating the rise of Aqua-Papi with this Namor cosplay feature!

Of all the Marvel movies I have seen in the last few decades, few have moved me as much as the Black Panther films. Seeing amazing stories about cultures that don’t often get their chance to shine in the superhero spotlight is amazing for someone who appreciates diverse perspectives and learning new things. These are rich cultures deeply rooted in histories and traditions that are alive and thriving today. We get to discover them anew in the MCU, draped in the mythos (and spandex) of a comic book superhero brought to life. Today we’re celebrating our first trip to Talokan with this Namor cosplay!

Namor Cosplay with permission by Adan Garcia

3. Utena and Anthy Cosplays Reveal the Fate of the Rose Bride

Utena and Anthy Cosplays by Many Worlds Cosplay and TM Liza Cosplays, Photography by Amie E

The number three spot on my editor’s choice list goes to a source of major nostalgia for me. I grew up around Anime and fell in love HARD with the world of Utena. Partnered with the Sailor Moon series, this was one of the very first depictions of female characters in love that I was exposed to, and it resonated with me so strongly. The beauty and haunting nature of the anime left a strong impression on me as a child, and this cosplay duo created a whimsical, rococo version of the characters Anthy and Utena. I can’t get over all of the exquisite details- this photoshoot is a visual feast!


In a world of duels and mysterious mythology, it takes a true Prince to unleash the sword that wins the Rose Bride. Today we unveil these Utena and Anthy cosplays!

Revolutionary Girl Utena is a fantastical and confusing anime. The storyline is far from linear, and the characters are always alluding to a backstory that never quite reveals itself coherently. Through manga and anime, the story of Utena is one fraught with peril, romance, and an eternal struggle to discover who we truly are. This week we’re unveiling some stunning Utena and Anthy cosplays!

This month we’ve dived into the world of LGBTQ+ representation in video games, pop culture, anime, and beyond. It’s harder to find this representation in pop-culture in the USA, but Utena is one of the first examples I can remember experiencing as a kiddo. I strongly identified with Utena, floating back and forth between feminine and more fluid archetypes.

Utena and Anthy Cosplays by Many Worlds Cosplay and TM Liza Cosplays, Photography by Amie E

2. Star Wars: Dolores From Imperial HR Cosplay Enforces the Rules of the Empire

Dolores from Imperial HR Cosplay by SunflowerStardust


The number two spot on this year’s editor’s choice list is the top spot for humorous cosplays. Dolores from Imperial HR is such a GREAT bit. She trolls around conventions looking for infractions against the Empire and meting out justice. The cosplay has sass, sarcasm, and a dedication to in-character hijinks that I can’t stop laughing at, every time she posts a new video. I purchased Human Resources stickers that I keep on my laptop case and my roller derby water bottle, just to remind me to look at life with a bit of humor. I even plan to put together my own Dolores cosplay (how meta is it to make a cosplay of a cosplay?!) for the next time I judge a cosplay competition.

If you miss your shots, breathe too loud, or forget to wear your helmet, Imperial HR will pay you a visit. Employee of the year Dolores from Imperial HR Cosplay is on the case.

It’s really hard upholding order and law in the galaxy, folks. Heavy is the head that wears the pearls of justice, but SOMEONE has to do the job. In the Empire, the job of keeping the storm troopers in line and supporting the Emperor falls on the newest Employee of the Year – Dolores from Imperial HR.

Dolores from Imperial HR Cosplay by SunflowerStardust

1. Kamui Cosplay: An Interview With the Queen of Crafting

Monster Hunter Nergigante cosplay by Kamui Cosplay

Kamui Cosplay is one of the ultimate sources of tips, tricks, and inspiration in the world of cosplay. Svetlana and Benni are an amazing team who never hesitate to share their knowledge and passion for cosplay. We were incredibly honored this year to have the opportunity to interview this dynamic duo- and it’s no surprise that this is our top takeaway of 2022. It’s not often that creators of this caliber take the time to be interviewed by a publication like ours, and we appreciate every moment of insight that came out of these cosplay interview features with Kamui. Take the time to read them all, because there are some gems of advice to be had.


Kamui Cosplay is one of the most well-known titans in the crafter space. For over a decade Svetlana and her partner Benni (and their adorable army of corgis!) have been building some of the most gorgeous and detailed cosplays on the market.

Their time and expertise have been funneled into a series of accessible educational resources including books, instructional videos, and templates. This week we’re beginning a series of articles featuring this dynamic duo. Behold, the world of Kamui Cosplay!

Aloy cosplay by Kamui Cosplay

That’s all for our Editor’s Choice- Favorite Cosplays of The Year article- let us know what YOUR favorite cosplays of the year were!

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

Have a Cosplay question you would like Mayhem’s Muse to answer?

Know a Cosplayer you’d like to see featured? Send an email here!

Author: Jennifer Larsen
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