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Star Wars Armada

Star Wars ARMADA News, Reviews, Editorials & Unboxings.

Star Wars: Armada is a miniatures game produced by Fantasy Flight Games. It was unveiled at GENCON on August 16, 2014. The game launched in March of 2015. Oversight of the game later moved from FFG to Atomic Mass Games in November 2020.

Star Wars ARMADA is a two-player game focused on capital ship space combat between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance - the Clone Wars era was added later. The base set contains ten squadrons of TIE Fighters and X-wings, dice, cards, and painted models for a Victory-class Star Destroyer, a CR90 Corvette, and a Nebulon-B Frigate. Oversight of the game later moved from FFG to Atomic Mass Games. The game grow over nine waves of ship releases, and grew to include the eras of the Galactic Empire, and the Clone Wars, with over 30 vessels. The ruleset emphasized the slow, colossal feel of commanding capital ships, and required pre-planning, and making key command decisions several turns in advance - a counterpoint to the instant action-action feel of Star Wars ARMADA's stablemate dogfighting game, X-Wing.

The game is famous for it's high quality pre-painted capital ship miniatures ranging in size from the miniscule Rebel Transports to the enormous Super Star Destroyer, which made the game popular with new players, and eased it's initial growth. After years of slow production after the COVID pandemic, and citing a variety of business difficulties, Atomic Mass Games formally announced the discontinuation of Star Wars ARMADA's production on June 13, 2024.
